About Me

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Some facts about us: Together since May 2004, Matt & Kristin Married in May 2009. Between the two of us, we've lived in California, Hawaii, Guam, Japan and met here, in good ol' Virginia. We adopted two mini schnauzers, Hemingway & Mya aka The Pups. We bought our first home in May of 2011 and are ridiculously excited for all the DIY projects ahead of us.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I love Guam... and Etsy!

Home is where your heart is and Etsy is where you can find all things handmade.  It's awesome!  Browsing through there for an anniversary gift for Matt, I decided to look up any art from/about Virginia.  I found this adorable print for sale at $14.50 plus $2.50 shipping.  AND you can pick any color from their list for your print.

See this print at http://www.etsy.com/listing/72055414/virginia-state-love-8x10-print-in-custom?ga_search_query=virginia&ga_search_type=user_shop_ttt_id_6110818

Adorbs, isn't it???  Just before I committed to buy this VA print, I emailed the shop owner, Adrienne Zavalick w/ ZavalickDesigns (see their page here: http://www.etsy.com/people/ZavalickDesigns?ref=ls_profile) to see if they do custom work.  I sent along a map of Guam that I found online.

 Matt is from Guam and I lived there for 5-1/2 years when I was younger.  Yes, 5 and a half.  When you're 13 (that's when I moved to VA), that half meant a lot.  We met in Virginia and didn't know eachother when we lived in Guam.  Pretty extraordinary when the "big" G-U is only 30 miles long and 4 miles wide.  So not knowing eachother there, and meeting here is pretty sweet if you ask me.

ZavalickDesigns was happy to add Guam to their State Love Series since it is a U.S. Territory after all.  And at $17.00 to my door, I'll take it! 

Here is the proof she sent me:

Now here it is in our Kitchen

I love it!  But the frame may end up white (instead of off white/cream) and in the hallway in the near future.  But it'll do for now.  If you're from Guam you know it's hard to find modern art pieces.  Since you can change the color to your preference, it's perfect for anyone.

I didn't get this for free, nor do I know the owner of this store personally.  She just did a great job and I love the print and I think others will too.  Enjoy!


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