About Me

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Some facts about us: Together since May 2004, Matt & Kristin Married in May 2009. Between the two of us, we've lived in California, Hawaii, Guam, Japan and met here, in good ol' Virginia. We adopted two mini schnauzers, Hemingway & Mya aka The Pups. We bought our first home in May of 2011 and are ridiculously excited for all the DIY projects ahead of us.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Let the exterior painting commence!

So I have a confession: Our exterior house picture doesn't really depict the actual color of the house.  *Gasp!  I know, I know, scandalous!  Honestly and truly, as I've mentioned before, the house is a not-so-appealing peachy-tan color.  But with the sun hitting the house just right, at just the right time in the morning, it looks very soft pink/off white.  Lighting is everything right?

I've fooled you!  Ha!

Ok, sorry.

Not only is the color something we could live without, it's also faded terribly since it's most likely the original 1991 paint.  Since the first time we saw the house, we knew it needed a fresh coat in a color that was more us.

Enter Pale Honey please!

So, Matt started painting this week.  It's a slow process considering he works full time and has to entertain me by listening to my ramblings or helping with projects when I'm home.  But he's been managing it all and it looks fantastic so far!  I'll share the process once we can do the big reveal.  Unfortunately, he's been painting while I'm at work so I haven't got any "action shots".  I'm only taking pictures after he's quit for the day.  Hopefully he'll take time to tell us all (including me) how it all got done and how much he hated being out there in the sun.  Of course the week he starts this process it's in the upper 90s all week.  He's the man.

The color is from Behr and is shown below with the color code.  We didn't actually go with Behr paint, but got Sherwin Williams to color match it for us.  Matt swears by this particular SW exterior paint.  The picture above is a more accurate depiction of the color, the one below looks a little too dark peach and less yellow. 

Get this, I picked this exact color out of the hundreds of paint chips at Home Depot.  Then I grabbed one of their 5 or 6 page exterior books to see some images for ideas.  I got to the page with the pictures above and knew it was the one.  I hurried and showed Matt while exclaiming "Nevermind that other color, I SOOO love this".  Only to find out it's the same exact color chip I've already given him.  Well, at least I'm consistant.

Anyhoo, I'm so excited for the exterior to get done and put a big fat check mark next to a considerable project.  Onward with bringing the house back to its former glory!


  1. I can NOT wait to see pictures w/ the new color!!!! Hurry up already! =P

  2. I'm at the edge of my seat too! It's still "in progress". I just feel sorry for our neighbors that have to deal with the double colors for the next couple of weeks. Haha.


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