About Me

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Some facts about us: Together since May 2004, Matt & Kristin Married in May 2009. Between the two of us, we've lived in California, Hawaii, Guam, Japan and met here, in good ol' Virginia. We adopted two mini schnauzers, Hemingway & Mya aka The Pups. We bought our first home in May of 2011 and are ridiculously excited for all the DIY projects ahead of us.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Shut the Front Door!

It's been over 6 weeks since my last post.  Daang.  Sorry for the random break from blogging.  The past month and a half has been a slew of heartbreak, mother nature showing her fury, and a much needed vacation. 
So my apologies for being MIA!  Let's get back into it.

The front porch needed a lot of help.  Although, we haven't completely finished it, I think we've come a LONG way.  Starting with the light fixure next to the front door.  It was lacking that modern look we were going for.  So instead of forking over the $80 to replace it with the one we liked at Home Depot, we decided to try some of our famous spray paint.

We used masking tape to cover the glass on the lights.  After covering the glass, we used a carton cutter to cut off the excess around the edges.  Time consuming = yes, but a must-do.

Drum roll please...

It's definitely a vast improvement over what it looked like!
Now the reason for the name of this post. 
Our front door was a sun faded maroon.  And as you can see, I took the 'before' picture after I had already started.  Oops, my mistake.  You might as well get used to those.  ;P

Below  is a picture of the house before we purchased it.  For those of you that follow this little blog, I spoke about us painting the exterior a couple of months ago.  It's mostly done, but there is  still some trimwork to do which is why I haven't posted the 'after' pics yet.  So, here is the not so appealing picture before we moved in,  trimmed the bushes and painted the front door.  You wouldn't know that though, since you can't even see the door past that monster bush.  Owell.

The steps and front porch weren't painted, they weren't much of anything 'cept a hot mess. 

So for the porch, we painted it a dark grey with white trim for the steps. 
As for the door, I heart* a red door on a yellow house, so we went with a barnyard red from Sherwin Williams.  I couldn't be happier! 

 I feel like I bunched a lot into one little post. I hope it wasn't too confusing! 
Welcome back, loves!

I'll leave you with a picture of the hubs and me in San Francisco while we were on vaca last week.  :)


  1. Loooove the new house color and red door! I keep contemplating what color to change my shutters to, so I can have a red door! Lol.

  2. Your house looks amazing! I can't believe how much progress you've made and I'm very jealous, since the front of my house might even look worse than when I bought it (more dirt and fewer potted plants that are still alive). You made me want to go buy red paint so my door can look as welcoming as yours does.

  3. @Beth
    Thank you beth! Sometimes I feel like we haven't done enough, so thank you for compliment. :) I was actually just checking out your blog yesterday. I really want to do that square wreath you posted about!

  4. @Marissa

    Haha @ Marissa. Sherry @ YHL just painted her door a brighta nd cheery yellow. It looked awesome! I think you could pull that off too. :)

  5. I love how it all turned out. Your house looks beautiful!

  6. @Kristen @ Popcorn on the Stove
    Thank you Kristen! Saw your pic on YHL blogiversary. :) Nice!


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